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By enrolling with Club France Taiwan (CFT), the participant does so at their own risk. CFT, its owner, employees and coaches shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever arising from personal injury or loss/damage to property



  • A trial session is free.

  • Payment for the CFT registration fee (and kit) should be made on the first session.

  • Payment for a 10-session package should be made on the first session of the block.

  • If a student joins a block of sessions that have already started – the fees will be prorated for the rest of the term.

  • A player can only miss one session per block. We will credit the canceled class to the following 10-session package or give a session refund.

  • If a player misses more than one session, the lessons will not be credited or refunded. 

  • No refund will be provided for students withdrawing from a course after it commences.


  • If any sessions are canceled (e.g. due to venue problems, bad weather, etc.), classes won’t be charged. 

  • A minimum of one hour prior to the start of the session, a message will be sent to the parent's Line group to inform you if a session gets canceled.

      Weather conditions:

  • For U4 and U5, sessions will be canceled if it is raining.

  • For U6, U7, and U8, sessions will be on if it is only drizzling. We will cancel the class if it is raining heavily.

  • For U10 and U12, sessions will be on if it is raining. We will cancel the class if the rain is too heavy.


  • Full CFT kit (jersey, shorts, socks) must be worn to all sessions.

  • Players should have shinguards, a football, and water for each session.

  • Players should arrive 15 minutes before the beginning of the session. This way we can start on time and maximize kids playing time.

  • CFT coaches cannot be responsible for minding children after the lesson. If you cannot pick up your child at the end of a session you should inform the CFT coach.

  • CFT reserves the right to expel students from a lesson, a block of lessons, or the entire course for behavior considered unacceptable to the coaches and/or fellow teammates.

​*By enrolling your child with CFT, or attending a trial class, you agree that your child will abide by the above rules and regulations. By taking part in any of our classes you are agreeing that sport carries an inherent risk of physical injury, and you understand that CFT, its owners, employees, and coaches are not responsible for any injury to your child.

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